
class open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera#

Camera object

class FovType#

Enum class for Camera field of view types.




Horizontal = <FovType.Horizontal: 1>#
Vertical = <FovType.Vertical: 0>#
property name#
property value#
class Projection#

Enum class for Camera projection types.




Ortho = <Projection.Ortho: 1>#
Perspective = <Projection.Perspective: 0>#
property name#
property value#
__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
copy_from(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera, camera: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) None#

Copies the settings from the camera passed as the argument into this camera

get_far(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) float#

Returns the distance from the camera to the far plane

get_field_of_view(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) float#

Returns the field of view of camera, in degrees. Only valid if it was passed to set_projection().

get_field_of_view_type(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera.FovType#

Returns the field of view type. Only valid if it was passed to set_projection().

get_model_matrix(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[4, 4]]#

Returns the model matrix of the camera

get_near(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) float#

Returns the distance from the camera to the near plane

get_projection_matrix(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[4, 4]]#

Returns the projection matrix of the camera

get_view_matrix(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[4, 4]]#

Returns the view matrix of the camera

look_at(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera, center: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[3, 1]], eye: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[3, 1]], up: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[3, 1]]) None#

Sets the position and orientation of the camera:

set_projection(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. set_projection(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera, field_of_view: float, aspect_ratio: float, near_plane: float, far_plane: float, field_of_view_type: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera.FovType) -> None

Sets a perspective projection.

  1. set_projection(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera, projection_type: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera.Projection, left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, near: float, far: float) -> None

Sets the camera projection via a viewing frustum.

  1. set_projection(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera, intrinsics: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]], near_plane: float, far_plane: float, image_width: float, image_height: float) -> None

Sets the camera projection via intrinsics matrix.

unproject(self: open3d.visualization.rendering.Camera, x: float, y: float, z: float, view_width: float, view_height: float) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[3, 1]]#

Takes the (x, y, z) location in the view, where x, y are the number of pixels from the upper left of the view, and z is the depth value. Returns the world coordinate (x’, y’, z’).

Horizontal = <FovType.Horizontal: 1>#
Ortho = <Projection.Ortho: 1>#
Perspective = <Projection.Perspective: 0>#
Vertical = <FovType.Vertical: 0>#