
open3d.visualization.draw_geometries_with_key_callbacks(geometry_list, key_to_callback, window_name='Open3D', width=1920, height=1080, left=50, top=50)#

Function to draw a list of geometry.Geometry objects with a customized key-callback mapping

  • geometry_list (list[open3d.geometry.Geometry]) – List of geometries to be visualized.

  • key_to_callback (dict[int, Callable[[open3d.visualization.Visualizer], bool]]) – Map of key to call back functions.

  • window_name (str, optional, default='Open3D') – The displayed title of the visualization window.

  • width (int, optional, default=1920) – The width of the visualization window.

  • height (int, optional, default=1080) – The height of the visualization window.

  • left (int, optional, default=50) – The left margin of the visualization window.

  • top (int, optional, default=50) – The top margin of the visualization window.

