
class open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalPointNode#

OctreeInternalPointNode class is an OctreeInternalNode with a list of point indices (from point cloud) belonging to children of this node.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalPointNode) -> None

    Default constructor

  2. __init__(self: open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalPointNode, arg0: open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalPointNode) -> None

    Copy constructor


arg0 (open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalPointNode) –

static get_init_function() Callable[[], open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalNode]#

Get lambda function for initializing OctreeInternalPointNode. When the init function is called, an empty OctreeInternalPointNode is created.

static get_update_function(arg0: int) Callable[[open3d.geometry.OctreeInternalNode], None]#

Get lambda function for updating OctreeInternalPointNode. When called, the update function adds the input point index to the corresponding node’s list of indices of children points.

property children#

List of children Nodes.

property indices#

List of point cloud point indices contained in children nodes.