- class
RealSense camera discovery, configuration, streaming and recording
- __init__(self: None #
Initialize with default settings.
- capture_frame(self:, wait: bool = True, align_depth_to_color: bool = True) open3d.t.geometry.RGBDImage #
Acquire the next synchronized RGBD frameset from the camera.
- Parameters:
wait (bool, optional, default=True) – If true wait for the next frame set, else return immediately with an empty RGBDImage if it is not yet available.
align_depth_to_color (bool, optional, default=True) – Enable aligning WFOV depth image to the color image in visualizer.
- Returns:
- static enumerate_devices() list[] #
Query all connected RealSense cameras for their capabilities.
- get_filename(self: str #
Get filename being written.
- get_metadata(self: #
Get metadata of the RealSense video capture.
- get_timestamp(self: int #
Get current timestamp (in us)
- init_sensor(*args, **kwargs)#
Overloaded function.
- init_sensor(self:, sensor_config: open3d::io::RGBDSensorConfig = < object at 0x7f052d166bf0>, sensor_index: int = 0, filename: str = ‘’) -> bool
Configure sensor with custom settings. If this is skipped, default settings will be used. You can enable recording to a bag file by specifying a filename.
- Parameters:
sensor_config (open3d::io::RGBDSensorConfig, optional, default=< object at 0x7f052d166bf0>) – Camera configuration, such as resolution and framerate. A serial number can be entered here to connect to a specific camera.
sensor_index (int, optional, default=0) – Connect to a camera at this position in the enumeration of RealSense cameras that are currently connected. Use enumerate_devices() or list_devices() to obtain a list of connected cameras. This is ignored if sensor_config contains a serial entry.
filename (str, optional, default='') – Save frames to a bag file
- Returns:
- init_sensor(self:, sensor_config: = < object at 0x7f052d176730>, sensor_index: int = 0, filename: str = ‘’) -> bool
Configure sensor with custom settings. If this is skipped, default settings will be used. You can enable recording to a bag file by specifying a filename.
- Parameters:
sensor_config (, optional, default=< object at 0x7f052d176730>) – Camera configuration, such as resolution and framerate. A serial number can be entered here to connect to a specific camera.
sensor_index (int, optional, default=0) – Connect to a camera at this position in the enumeration of RealSense cameras that are currently connected. Use enumerate_devices() or list_devices() to obtain a list of connected cameras. This is ignored if sensor_config contains a serial entry.
filename (str, optional, default='') – Save frames to a bag file
- Returns:
- static list_devices() bool #
List all RealSense cameras connected to the system along with their capabilities. Use this listing to select an appropriate configuration for a camera
- pause_record(self: None #
Pause recording to the bag file. Note: If this is called immediately after start_capture, the bag file may have an incorrect end time.
- resume_record(self: None #
Resume recording to the bag file. The file will contain discontinuous segments.
- start_capture(self:, start_record: bool = False) bool #
Start capturing synchronized depth and color frames.
- Parameters:
start_record (bool, optional, default=False) – Start recording to the specified bag file as well.
- Returns:
- stop_capture(self: None #
Stop capturing frames.