- class
Data class for SampleRedwoodRGBDImages contains a sample set of 5 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset living-room1. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, camera odometry log, rgbd match, and point cloud reconstruction obtained using TSDF.
- __init__(self:, data_root: str = '') None #
- property camera_intrinsic_path#
Path to pinhole camera intrinsic (json).
- property color_paths#
List of paths to color image samples of size 5. Use color_paths[0], color_paths[1] … color_paths[4] to access the paths.
- property data_root#
Get data root directory. The data root is set at construction time or automatically determined.
- property depth_paths#
List of paths to depth image samples of size 5. Use depth_paths[0], depth_paths[1] … depth_paths[4] to access the paths.
- property download_dir#
Get absolute path to download directory. i.e. ${data_root}/${download_prefix}/${prefix}
- property extract_dir#
Get absolute path to extract directory. i.e. ${data_root}/${extract_prefix}/${prefix}
- property odometry_log_path#
Path to camera odometry log file odometry.log.
- property prefix#
Get prefix for the dataset.
- property reconstruction_path#
Path to pointcloud reconstruction from TSDF.
- property rgbd_match_path#
Path to color and depth image match file rgbd.match.
- property trajectory_log_path#
Path to camera trajectory log file trajectory.log.