| VisualizerWithKeyCallback () |
| Default Constructor. More...
| ~VisualizerWithKeyCallback () override |
| VisualizerWithKeyCallback (const VisualizerWithKeyCallback &)=delete |
VisualizerWithKeyCallback & | operator= (const VisualizerWithKeyCallback &)=delete |
void | PrintVisualizerHelp () override |
void | RegisterKeyCallback (int key, std::function< bool(Visualizer *)> callback) |
void | RegisterKeyActionCallback (int key, std::function< bool(Visualizer *, int, int)> callback) |
void | RegisterMouseMoveCallback (std::function< bool(Visualizer *, double, double)> callback) |
void | RegisterMouseScrollCallback (std::function< bool(Visualizer *, double, double)> callback) |
void | RegisterMouseButtonCallback (std::function< bool(Visualizer *, int, int, int)> callback) |
| Visualizer () |
virtual | ~Visualizer () |
| Visualizer (Visualizer &&)=delete |
| Visualizer (const Visualizer &)=delete |
Visualizer & | operator= (const Visualizer &)=delete |
bool | CreateVisualizerWindow (const std::string &window_name="Open3D", const int width=640, const int height=480, const int left=50, const int top=50, const bool visible=true) |
| Function to create a window and initialize GLFW. More...
void | DestroyVisualizerWindow () |
| Function to destroy a window. More...
void | RegisterAnimationCallback (std::function< bool(Visualizer *)> callback_func) |
| Function to register a callback function for animation. More...
void | Run () |
| Function to activate the window. More...
void | Close () |
| Function to to notify the window to be closed. More...
bool | WaitEvents () |
| Function to process the event queue and return if the window is closed. More...
bool | PollEvents () |
virtual bool | AddGeometry (std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry > geometry_ptr, bool reset_bounding_box=true) |
| Function to add geometry to the scene and create corresponding shaders. More...
virtual bool | RemoveGeometry (std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry > geometry_ptr, bool reset_bounding_box=true) |
| Function to remove geometry from the scene. More...
virtual bool | ClearGeometries () |
virtual bool | UpdateGeometry (std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry > geometry_ptr=nullptr) |
| Function to update geometry. More...
virtual bool | HasGeometry () const |
virtual void | UpdateRender () |
| Function to inform render needed to be updated. More...
virtual void | SetFullScreen (bool fullscreen) |
| Functions to change between fullscreen and windowed modes. More...
virtual void | ToggleFullScreen () |
virtual bool | IsFullScreen () |
virtual void | UpdateWindowTitle () |
virtual void | BuildUtilities () |
ViewControl & | GetViewControl () |
| Function to retrieve the associated ViewControl. More...
RenderOption & | GetRenderOption () |
| Function to retrieve the associated RenderOption. More...
std::shared_ptr< geometry::Image > | CaptureScreenFloatBuffer (bool do_render=true) |
| Function to capture screen and store RGB in a float buffer. More...
void | CaptureScreenImage (const std::string &filename="", bool do_render=true) |
| Function to capture and save a screen image. More...
std::shared_ptr< geometry::Image > | CaptureDepthFloatBuffer (bool do_render=true) |
void | CaptureDepthImage (const std::string &filename="", bool do_render=true, double depth_scale=1000.0) |
void | CaptureDepthPointCloud (const std::string &filename="", bool do_render=true, bool convert_to_world_coordinate=false) |
| Function to capture and save local point cloud. More...
void | CaptureRenderOption (const std::string &filename="") |
void | ResetViewPoint (bool reset_bounding_box=false) |
| Function to reset view point. More...
const std::string & | GetWindowName () const |
std::string | GetViewStatus () |
| Get the current view status as a json string of ViewTrajectory. More...
void | SetViewStatus (const std::string &view_status_str) |
| Set the current view status from a json string of ViewTrajectory. More...
void | KeyPressCallback (GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) override |
void | MouseMoveCallback (GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y) override |
void | MouseScrollCallback (GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y) override |
void | MouseButtonCallback (GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods) override |
std::string | PrintKeyToString (int key) |
virtual bool | InitOpenGL () |
| Function to initialize OpenGL. More...
virtual bool | InitViewControl () |
| Function to initialize ViewControl. More...
virtual bool | InitRenderOption () |
| Function to initialize RenderOption. More...
virtual void | Render (bool render_screen=false) |
void | CopyViewStatusToClipboard () |
| Copy the current view status to clipboard. More...
void | CopyViewStatusFromClipboard () |
| Apply the view point from clipboard. More...
virtual void | WindowRefreshCallback (GLFWwindow *window) |
| Callback functions. More...
virtual void | WindowResizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, int w, int h) |
virtual void | WindowCloseCallback (GLFWwindow *window) |
| Function to notify the window to be closed. More...
std::map< int, std::function< bool(Visualizer *)> > | key_to_callback_ |
std::map< int, std::function< bool(Visualizer *, int, int)> > | key_action_to_callback_ |
std::function< bool(Visualizer *, double, double)> | mouse_move_callback_ |
std::function< bool(Visualizer *, double, double)> | mouse_scroll_callback_ |
std::function< bool(Visualizer *, int, int, int)> | mouse_button_callback_ |
GLFWwindow * | window_ = NULL |
std::string | window_name_ = "Open3D" |
std::shared_ptr< GLFWContext > | glfw_context_ = nullptr |
| Shared GLFW context. More...
Eigen::Vector2i | saved_window_size_ = Eigen::Vector2i::Zero() |
Eigen::Vector2i | saved_window_pos_ = Eigen::Vector2i::Zero() |
std::function< bool(Visualizer *)> | animation_callback_func_ = nullptr |
std::function< bool(Visualizer *)> | animation_callback_func_in_loop_ |
MouseControl | mouse_control_ |
bool | is_redraw_required_ = true |
bool | is_initialized_ = false |
GLuint | vao_id_ = 0 |
GLuint | render_fbo_ = 0 |
GLuint | render_rgb_tex_ = 0 |
GLuint | render_depth_stencil_rbo_ = 0 |
std::unique_ptr< ViewControl > | view_control_ptr_ |
std::unique_ptr< RenderOption > | render_option_ptr_ |
std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry > > | geometry_ptrs_ |
std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< glsl::GeometryRenderer > > | geometry_renderer_ptrs_ |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry > > | utility_ptrs_ |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< glsl::GeometryRenderer > > | utility_renderer_ptrs_ |
std::unordered_map< std::shared_ptr< glsl::GeometryRenderer >, RenderOption > | utility_renderer_opts_ |
std::shared_ptr< geometry::TriangleMesh > | coordinate_frame_mesh_ptr_ |
std::shared_ptr< glsl::CoordinateFrameRenderer > | coordinate_frame_mesh_renderer_ptr_ |
Visualizer with custom key callback capabilities.