Open3D 0.6.0 release

Open3D Version 0.6.0 (released 2019-04-01)

The Open3D team and the Open Source Vision Foundation are excited to announce the 0.6.0 release of the Open3D library.

In this release, we focused our efforts on improving the quality of Open3D documentation and paving the way for upcoming GPU support.

Documentation is a critical aspect of any software project, but it becomes especially critical in open-source projects. This is one of the main ways we engage with the community. For this reason, we improved the internal infrastructure to automatically generate documentation in a new format, which makes the Python API more readable and easy to understand. Please take a look at Open3D docs.

The team has also been working on bringing multi-GPU support to Open3D. We will start rolling this out in upcoming releases. In the meantime, feedback and suggestions are welcomed. Please check our GPU integration branch hereThis release also includes new data types that serve as the foundation for new meshing algorithms that will be rolled out in our next release.

The full list of changes can be seen below. Please send us feedback at and join our Discord network to participate in the discussions.



The Open3D team



  • [Added]: Used to indicate addition of new features
  • [Changed]: Updates of existing functionalities
  • [Deprecated]: Functionalities / features removed in future releases
  • [Removed]: Functionalities / features removed in this release
  • [Fixed]: For any bug fixes
  • [Breaking] This functionality breaks the previous API and you need to check your code

Installation and project structure

  • [Changed] simplified cmake include directory structure  #839
  • [Changed] new installation default behavior: don’t install 3rd party header except Eigen and GL #840
  • [Braking] new project directory structure #842 #850 #855

CORE features and applications

  • [Added] Travis build docs, use 16.04, and other fixes #885
  • [Added] update adjacency list after mesh operations #843
  • [Added] HalfEdgeTriangleMesh data type support #851 #868
  • [Added] STL file support #786
  • [Added] Compute vertex adjacency map #830
  • [Changed] Standardize API of SolveLinearSystemPSD #821
  • [Changed] upgraded pybind11 #837
  • [Changed] Upgrade OpenGL GLSL version #854
  • [Fixed] path in the comments of #878
  • [Fixed] clang format discrepancy and links #793 #795 #816
  • [Fixed] autocomplete for python modules #799
  • [Fixed] intrinsic parameters for Kinect2 #801
  • [Fixed] initializers for FastGlobalRegistration class #807 #808
  • [Fixed] Travis fails when unit tests fail in a docker container #810
  • [Fixed] ColorMap divergency and other issues #819 #860
  • [Fixed] add minus sign in SolveJacobianSystemAndObtainExtrinsicMatrixArray #822
  • [Fixed] STL mesh write vertex index #829

Documentation, tutorials, and examples

  • [Added] pybind docs parser and Google-style docstring generator #864
  • [Added] Expandible docs sidebar #832
  • [Changed] extended Python documentation #859 #861 #862 #869 #877 #881
  • [Changed] C++ project documentation for Windows #809
  • [Fixed] issues in the documentation building process #845
  • [Fixed] namespace typo in examples #856
  • [Fixed] small issues in RegistrationRansac example #800 #802


Testing and benchmarking

  • [Removed] visualization unit tests #857