Open3D release 0.1

Version 0.1 (Release date Feb 22nd, 2018)

First official release. Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data. Open3D has the following core features:

Core principle

  1. Started from scratch.
  2. Focus on implementation of basic widely-used 3D processing algorithms.
  3. Does not depend on heavyweight libraries.
  4. Minimum lines of code
  5. The library can be built and run from source using Ubuntu/MacOSX/Windows systems.

Basic 3D data structures

  1. Open3D provides point cloud, triangle mesh, image, and pose graph data structures.
  2. Each data structure has its own I/O interface with various files.
  3. Supported file formats:
    1. Image: JPEG, PNG.
    2. 3D geometry: Bin, PCD, PLY, PTS, XYZ, XYZN, XYZRGB.
    3. camera trajectory & pose graph: JSON, LOG.

Basic data processing algorithms

  1. Point cloud downsampling, normal estimation, and vertex coloring.
  2. Gaussian and Sobel filter for image processing.
  3. Scalable TSDF volume integration.

Scene reconstruction

  1. Provides basic scene reconstruction system specialized for RGBD sequence.
  2. The system consists of RGBD Odometry, pose graph optimization, and TSDF volume integration.
  3. The integration volume can be scalable.

Surface alignment

  1. Implementation of local geometric feature: ‘Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH)’ paper [Rusu and Beetz 2009].
  2. Point-to-point/point-to-plane/colored ICP implementations with OpenMP acceleration.
  3. Provides a basic, RANSAC-based global registration pipeline.
  4. Fast pose graph optimization: implementation of ‘Robust reconstruction of indoor scenes’ paper[Choi et al 2015].
  5. In house convex optimization: Gauss-Netwon and Levenberg-Marquardt methods.

3D visualization

  1. Quick overview of point cloud, mesh, image.
  2. Various options to customize camera path or camera intrinsics.
  3. Color/depth/normal rendering supported.
  4. Providing rendering buffer access to save rendered images.
  5. Can configure custom key callback functions.
  6. Can select a region and crop of crop point cloud.

Python binding

  1. The c++ functions/classes/definitions are exposed to the Python API.
  2. The Python API provides a quick debug cycle for development of novel algorithms.

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