Open3D (C++ API)  0.19.0
open3d::core::FunctionTraits< T ClassType::* > Struct Template Reference

#include <FunctionTraits.h>

Inheritance diagram for open3d::core::FunctionTraits< T ClassType::* >:
open3d::core::FunctionTraits< T >

Detailed Description

template<typename ClassType, typename T>
struct open3d::core::FunctionTraits< T ClassType::* >

Pointers to class members that are themselves functors. For example, in the following code:

template <typename func_t>
struct S {
    func_t f;
template <typename func_t>
S<func_t> make_s(func_t f) {
    return S<func_t> { .f = f };

auto s = make_s([] (int, float) -> double { /* ... *&zwj;/ });

FunctionTraits<decltype(&s::f)> traits; 

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: