Open3D (C++ API)  0.18.0+3975044
Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
Eigen.h File Reference

(3975044 (Wed Oct 9 17:28:16 2024 +0200))

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/StdVector>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

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using open3d::utility::Matrix4d_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Matrix4d >
using open3d::utility::Matrix6d_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Matrix6d >
using open3d::utility::Vector2d_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector2d >
using open3d::utility::Vector3uint8_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector3uint8 >
using open3d::utility::Vector4i_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector4i >
using open3d::utility::Vector4d_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector4d >
using open3d::utility::Vector6d_allocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector6d >


Eigen::Matrix3d open3d::utility::SkewMatrix (const Eigen::Vector3d &vec)
 Genretate a skew-symmetric matrix from a vector 3x1. More...
Eigen::Matrix4d open3d::utility::TransformVector6dToMatrix4d (const Eigen::Vector6d &input)
Eigen::Vector6d open3d::utility::TransformMatrix4dToVector6d (const Eigen::Matrix4d &input)
std::tuple< bool, Eigen::VectorXd > open3d::utility::SolveLinearSystemPSD (const Eigen::MatrixXd &A, const Eigen::VectorXd &b, bool prefer_sparse, bool check_symmetric, bool check_det, bool check_psd)
 Function to solve Ax=b. More...
std::tuple< bool, Eigen::Matrix4d > open3d::utility::SolveJacobianSystemAndObtainExtrinsicMatrix (const Eigen::Matrix6d &JTJ, const Eigen::Vector6d &JTr)
std::tuple< bool, std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4d, Matrix4d_allocator > > open3d::utility::SolveJacobianSystemAndObtainExtrinsicMatrixArray (const Eigen::MatrixXd &JTJ, const Eigen::VectorXd &JTr)
template<typename MatType , typename VecType >
std::tuple< MatType, VecType, double > open3d::utility::ComputeJTJandJTr (std::function< void(int, VecType &, double &, double &)> f, int iteration_num, bool verbose)
template<typename MatType , typename VecType >
std::tuple< MatType, VecType, double > open3d::utility::ComputeJTJandJTr (std::function< void(int, std::vector< VecType, Eigen::aligned_allocator< VecType >> &, std::vector< double > &, std::vector< double > &)> f, int iteration_num, bool verbose)
Eigen::Matrix3d open3d::utility::RotationMatrixX (double radians)
Eigen::Matrix3d open3d::utility::RotationMatrixY (double radians)
Eigen::Matrix3d open3d::utility::RotationMatrixZ (double radians)
Eigen::Vector3uint8 open3d::utility::ColorToUint8 (const Eigen::Vector3d &color)
Eigen::Vector3d open3d::utility::ColorToDouble (uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Color conversion from uint8_t 0-255 to double [0,1]. More...
Eigen::Vector3d open3d::utility::ColorToDouble (const Eigen::Vector3uint8 &rgb)
template<typename IdxType >
Eigen::Matrix3d open3d::utility::ComputeCovariance (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, const std::vector< IdxType > &indices)
 Function to compute the covariance matrix of a set of points. More...
template<typename IdxType >
std::tuple< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::Matrix3d > open3d::utility::ComputeMeanAndCovariance (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, const std::vector< IdxType > &indices)
 Function to compute the mean and covariance matrix of a set of points. More...
template<typename RealType , typename IdxType >
std::tuple< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::Matrix3d > open3d::utility::ComputeMeanAndCovariance (const RealType *const points, const std::vector< IdxType > &indices)